
VA MQM Dance Vol2 3CD Retail 2002 EiTheLMP3

EiTheL Proudly Presents:

VA - MQM Dance Vol2

Supplier <=> EiTheL.TEAM
Ripper <=> EiTheL.TEAM
Release Date <=> 05-10-2002

Source <=> CDDA
Grabber <=> Exact Audio Copy v0.9b3 Win32
Encoder <=> LAME v3.92 DOS32
Quality <=> 192kbps/44,1KHz/Full Stereo

Artist <=> VA
Title <=> MQM Dance Vol2
Music Genre <=> Trance
Record Label <=> Tempo Music (Spain)
Internet URL <=>
Release Year <=> 2002


Another *GREAT* EiTheLMP3 Release. Remember to support the artists! ;)



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Let's spread the music, guys! ;)



2.. EsHQ 10 Mbit
A..... PLHQ 100 Mbit
C....... EuHQ 10 Mbit
N.... EuHQ 10 Mbit
P..... E...... SeHQ 100 Mbit
P..... E...... SeHQ 10 Mbit
R...... SeHQ 10 Mbit
T.. S........ SeHQ 10 Mbit
T.. C...... SeHQ 10 Mbit

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More important than *WHO* we are .NFo
is *WHAT* and *HOW* we do it...! by



01 - VA - Session By DJ Santy [76:54]


01 - Vincent De Moor - Flowtation 2002 [03:31]
02 - 4 Clubbers - Children [03:31]
03 - Marc Maris Vs Ramone - Eternity [03:26]
04 - Abel The Kid & Raul Ortiz Presents Groove 2.0 - The Music [04:01]
05 - Tecnoid - Rotation [05:39]
06 - The Joker Feat Julie McKenna - Release Me (CJ Stone Rmx) [05:44]
07 - Arome - Hands Up! (Disco Project Rmx) [03:45]
08 - DJ Marc Aurel - Running [03:38]
09 - ZX Aka Zenith & Avex - Scream [03:34]
10 - Herbert - I Don't Understand You [03:45]
11 - Andora - Mental Atmosphere [03:22]
12 - Transfuse - Welcome To The Future (Gary D Rmx) [05:05]
13 - Push - Tranzy State Of Mind [03:20]
14 - Question Mark - Mentira [03:30]
15 - E-Mission - Electric [04:37]
16 - Session One Presents DJ V.I.R.U.S. - All Your Bass [04:00]
17 - The Coach & The Player - Chemical Sangria [04:49]

Bonus Track:

18 - Fun Team DJ's - Woky Woky [04:31]


01 - Ikeya Zhang - The Night [04:20]
02 - DJ Nano - Fuck The Pussy [04:35]
03 - Jazzberri - Jazzberri Eyes (Milk Inc Rmx) [06:03]
04 - Das Licht - Take Off [04:54]
05 - Angel One - Invincible [03:26]
06 - DJ Kubrik - Shiny [04:55]
07 - Rank1 - Awakening [02:56]
08 - Boca - Play With Me [02:59]
09 - Ralph Fridge - Mystery (Pornostar Rmx) [04:46]
10 - The Mystery - All I Ever Wanted (Devotion) [03:41]
11 - Push - The Legacy [05:13]
12 - Medicine Men - Psyckofunk [03:53]
13 - DJ Steve L - Drop The Needle (Gary D Remix) [03:37]
14 - Marco Bailey - Ipanema [04:33]
15 - Ultra Heat Treat - On A Mission [04:46]
16 - Samira - My Dreams [04:43]
17 - Re-Animator - Rewire Your Brain [03:34]
18 - E-Pact - The Mystery Of XTC [03:53]

TOTAL TRACKS: [ 37 ] TOTAL SIZE: [312,9 Mb] TOTAL TIME: [227:29 ]

EiTheLMP3 Tip:

EiTheLMP3 is now giving you some nice MP3/CDburning/AudioProcessing
tips & tricks. Follow closely our NFOs week by week and get the
full Tips Collection...

EiTheLMP3 te ofrece ahora algunos interesantes trucos y consejos de
MP3/QuemadoDeCDs/ProcesamientoDeAudio. Sigue de cerca nuestros NFOs
semana a semana y hazte con la Coleccion de Trucos completa...

#01 How to burn to CD filenames longer than 64 characters
Como quemar en CD nombres de archivo mas largos de 64 caracteres

#02 How to rip/repair a scratched CD
Como ripear/reparar un CD rayado

#03 How to get the most out of LAME MP3 Encoder
Como sacarle el maximo jugo al codificador de MP3 LAME

#04 How to cut/trim/normalize your MP3a *without* re-encoding them
Como cortar/ajustar/normalizar tus MP3s *sin* recodificarlos

#05 How to rip DJ Mixes and Lives properly.
Como ripear correctamente DJ Mixes y Lives.

#06 EAC Configuration & Setup (1). Don't believe the hype.
Configuracion y Ajustes en EAC (1). No creas los rumores.

=======OOOOOOO EiTheLMP3 Tip #06: OOOOOOO=======

"People say that EAC may be the best audio grabbing app but it is too
cryptic to use and impossible to configure poperly". Not true. EAC is
very easy to use and highly customisable. So many settings may scare
the beginners (and even some pros!), this is why the rumour exists.
Now, with this EiTheLMP3 Tips series, getting the most out of EAC will
be a child's play. So let's get on it...

We'll assume EAC is already installed in your PC, so put an AudioCD in
*EACH* of your CD readers (this includes CD-R(W) burners, DVD-ROM
readers and DVD-[+]R burners). Now go to the CD reader selection pull-
down (just under the EAC, Edit, Action, etc menus) and select one of
your readers. We'll guide you through the important settings only:

F9 (EAC Options)/Extraction Tab:

Synchronize between tracks: YES [more secure].
Lock drive tray during extraction: YES [you can't eject accidentally].
Extraction and compression priority: NORMAL if you go on working while
ripping, HIGH if for the fastest and best results.
Error recovery quality: MEDIUM for mint quality CDs, HIGH for bad or
scratched CDs.

F9 (EAC Options)/General Tab:

Disable 'CD AutoStart'...: YES
Ask before overwriting files: YES
Correct bug of wrong filename order...: YES
Show status dialog after extraction: YES
Beep after extraction finish: YES
Eject CD after extraction finish: NO [not a good idea because if you
are away from the PC and the door stays open for long dust may go
into the drive. Same holds true for CD/DVD burners].

F9 (EAC Options)/Tools Tab:

Use CD-Text information in CUE Sheet generation: DEPENDS ON YOU [Do
you want to have the names automatically inserted or you prefer to
type the names yourself while being sure they all are ok?].
Automatically write status report after extraction: YES
On extraction, start external compressors...: 1 (if 1 CPU), 2 (if 2
CPUs, etc. [A way to get the maximum speed in Dual CPU systems].
Do Not open external compressor window: YES [no need to see it...].

F9 (EAC Options)/Normalize Tab:

Normalize: NO [not a good idea because usually all songs in a CD keep
a relationship of loudness between each other. If you normalize
them (strange as it may seem), some seem to be louder or lower.

F9 (EAC Options)/Interface Tab:

Use of SCSI interface: DEPENDS ON YOUR CASE [If you do have an Adaptec
card, install the Adaptec ASPI Layer v4.60 (*not* the v4.70). If
you are using a SCSI cards but it is not an Adaptec, install
ForceASPI or ASPI4All, which will fake the drivers into thinking
you actually have an Adaptec. No SCSI card?, then select NATIVE

Well, this was Part 1. As we told you, EAC is wonderful, but it takes
long to set it up for a perfect rip. Chapter 2 very soon. Stay tuned.

"La gente dice que EAC puede que sea la mejor aplicacion de extraccion
digital de audio, pero tambien que es criptico en su uso e imposible
de configurar correctamente". No es cierto. EAC es muy facil de usar
y altamente configurable segun tus propios gustos. Tantos ajustes
pueden asustar a los principiantes (e incluso a algunos profesionales)
asi que por eso existe ese rumor. Ahora, con esta serie de Tips de
EiTheLMP3, sacarle al maximo jugo a EAC sera cosa de ninyos. Asi que
vamos a ello...

Asumiremos que EAC esta ya instalado en tu PC, asi que pon un AudioCD
en *CADA* uno de tus lectores (esto incluye grabadoras de CD-R(W),
lectores de DVD-ROM y grabadoras de DVD-[+]R). Ahora ve al menu pull-
down (de caida) de seleccion de lector de CD (justo bajo los menus
EAC, Edit, Action, etc) y selecciona uno de tus lectores. Te guiaremos
solamente a traves de los ajustes importantes:

F9 (EAC Options)/Extraction Tab:

Synchronize between tracks: SI [mas seguro].
Lock drive tray during extraction: SI [evitas el eject accidental].
Extraction and compression priority: NORMAL si sigues trabajando
mientras ripeas, HIGH para los mejores y mas rapidos resultados.
Error recovery quality: MEDIUM para CDs en perfecto estado, HIGH para
CDs en mal estado o rayados.

F9 (EAC Options)/General Tab:

Disable 'CD AutoStart'...: SI
Ask before overwriting files: SI
Correct bug of wrong filename order...: SI
Show status dialog after extraction: SI
Beep after extraction finish: SI
Eject CD after extraction finish: NO [no es buena idea, ya que si
estas lejos del PC y la puerta permanece abierta durante mucho rato
el polvo puede entrar en la unidad. Lo mismo es valido para las
grabadoras de CD/DVD].

F9 (EAC Options)/Tools Tab:

Use CD-Text information in CUE Sheet generation: DEPENDE DE TI [Deseas
los nombres insertados automaticamente o prefieres teclearlos tu
mismo asegurandote de que estan todos correctos?].
Automatically write status report after extraction: SI
On extraction, start external compressors...: 1 (si 1 CPU), 2 (si 2
CPUs, etc. [Para obtener la maxima velocidad en PCs con Dual CPU].
Do Not open external compressor window: NO [no es necesario verla...].

F9 (EAC Options)/Normalize Tab:

Normalize: NO [no es buena idea puesto que habitualmente todas las
canciones de un CD guardan entre ellas una interrelacion de volumen
y si las normalizas (por extranyo que parezca), algunas pareceran
mas bajas o mas altas de volumen que otras.

F9 (EAC Options)/Interface Tab:

Use of SCSI interface: DEPENDE DE TU CASO [Si tienes una tarjeta SCSI
Adaptec, instala el Adaptec ASPI Layer v4.60 (*no* la v4.70). Si
tienes tarjeta SCSI, pero no es Adaptec, instala ForceASPI o
ASPI4All, que enganyara a los drivers para que crean que tienes una
Adaptec. No hay tarjeta SCSI?, entonces selecciona NATIVE Win32

Bien, esto fue la Parte 1. Como te dijimos, EAC es maravilloso, pero
necesita tiempo para configurarlo para un rip perfecto. Muy pronto
el capitulo 2. Estate atento.

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
WebPage: (maybe)

VA "MQM Dance Vol2" (c) Tempo Music (Spain) 2002

CD1 (Session by DJ Santy)

01 - JACCOT & JULIUS MC - Wonderful
02 - IKEYA ZHANG - The Night
03 - TRANSFUSE - Welcome To The Future (Gary D Rmx)
04 - ANDORA - Follow You
05 - ELASTICA Presents JESUS ELICES - Tahikiry
06 - VINCENT DE MOOR - Flowtation 2002
07 - KLINISCH TOT - Klinisch Tot
08 - THE MATRIARCH - Ascent
09 - MAX B GRANT - Progressive Halloween
10 - GOLLUM & YANNY - Shadows And Lights
11 - CHELSEE - Sweet Destiny (DuMonde Rmx)
12 - SOULFIGHTER - Brainbow
13 - ZENITH DJ - The Music Is Now
14 - DJ KUBRIK - Shiny
15 - DJ YANNY Presents TERRAFORMER - All Over!
16 - BOCA - Play With Me

Archive's content:

filenamesize, bytes
000-va_-_mqm_dance_vol2-3cd-retail-2002-eithelmp3.nfo26 501
000-va_-_mqm_dance_vol2-3cd-retail-2002-eithelmp3.sfv2 040
000-va_-_mqm_dance_vol2-3cd-retail-2002-eithelmp3.m3u1 670
100-va_-_mqm_dance_vol2-cd1-2002-eithelmp3.cue1 546
101-va_-_session_by_dj_santy-etlmp3.mp3110 753 877
201-vincent_de_moor_-_flowtation_2002-etlmp3.mp35 065 792
202-4_clubbers_-_children-etlmp3.mp35 077 077
203-marc_maris_vs_ramone_-_eternity-etlmp3.mp34 947 300
204-abelthekidandraulortizpresentsgroove2.0-themusic-etlmp3.mp35 796 265
205-tecnoid_-_rotation-etlmp3.mp38 147 823
206-thejoker_feat_juliemckenna-releaseme(cjstonermx)-etlmp3.mp38 279 480
207-arome_-_hands_up_(disco_project_rmx)-etlmp3.mp35 418 758
208-dj_marc_aurel_-_running-etlmp3.mp35 235 065
209-zx_aka_zenith_and_avex_-_scream-etlmp3.mp35 157 952
210-herbert_-_i_dont_understand_you-etlmp3.mp35 406 220
211-andora_-_mental_atmosphere-etlmp3.mp34 848 871
212-transfuse_-_welcome_to_the_future_(gary_d_rmx)-etlmp3.mp37 332 881
213-push_-_tranzy_state_of_mind-etlmp3.mp34 807 493
214-question_mark_-_mentira-etlmp3.mp35 061 403
215-e-mission_-_electric-etlmp3.mp36 654 455
216-session_one_presents_dj_v.i.r.u.s.-all_your_bass-etlmp3.mp35 772 430
217-the_coach_and_the_player_-_chemical_sangria-etlmp3.mp36 954 132
218-fun_team_djs_-_woky_woky-etlmp3.mp36 523 425
301-ikeya_zhang_-_the_night-etlmp3.mp36 254 468
302-dj_nano_-_fuck_the_pussy-etlmp3.mp36 603 046
303-jazzberri_-_jazzberri_eyes_(milk_inc_rmx)-etlmp3.mp38 725 234
304-das_licht_-_take_off-etlmp3.mp37 060 711
305-angel_one_-_invincible-etlmp3.mp34 956 078
306-dj_kubrik_-_shiny-etlmp3.mp37 082 027
307-rank1_-_awakening-etlmp3.mp34 233 217
308-boca_-_play_with_me-etlmp3.mp34 316 600
309-ralph_fridge_-_mystery_(pornostar_rmx)-etlmp3.mp36 885 795
310-the_mystery_-_all_i_ever_wanted_(devotion)-etlmp3.mp35 322 210
311-push_-_the_legacy-etlmp3.mp37 524 019
312-medicine_men_-_psyckofunk-etlmp3.mp35 614 990
313-dj_steve_l_-_drop_the_needle_(gary_d_remix)-etlmp3.mp35 227 542
314-marco_bailey_-_ipanema-etlmp3.mp36 571 699
315-ultra_heat_treat_-_on_a_mission-etlmp3.mp36 881 407
316-samira_-_my_dreams-etlmp3.mp36 804 293
317-re-animator_-_rewire_your_brain-etlmp3.mp35 148 548
318-e-pact_-_the_mystery_of_xtc-etlmp3.mp35 610 602


Anonymous 2024/10/25 - 16:45

Thanks a lot, mate