EiTheL Proudly Presents:
MR PHILLIPS - 7th Day (2002 Remixes)
Supplier <=> EiTheL.TEAM
Ripper <=> EiTheL.TEAM
Release Date <=> 04-09-2002
Source <=> CDDA
Grabber <=> Exact Audio Copy v0.9b3 Win32
Encoder <=> LAME v3.91 DOS32
Quality <=> 192kbps/44,1KHz/Full Stereo
Artist <=> MR PHILLIPS
Title <=> 7th Day (2002 Remixes)
Music Genre <=> Trance
Record Label <=> MadAboutMusic (Germany)
Internet URL <=>
Release Year <=> 2002
Another *GREAT* EiTheLMP3 Release. Remember to support the artists! ;)
Are U a T1 SiteOp or a GOOD
MP3Ripper/Supplier? Join us and
spread the music all around!
EiTheL does *NOT* officially
support any public chat channel
& the rest of the scene
EiTheL welcomes the new suppliers
and rippers from around the globe
that are joining us in 2002...
Let's spread the music, guys! ;)
D..... EsHQ 10 Mbit
C....... EuHQ 100 Mbit
T.. S........ SeHQ 10 Mbit
T.. C...... SeHQ 100 Mbit
I.......... MxHQ 4 Mbit
P..... E...... SeHQ 100 Mbit
M... B... EuHQ 100 Mbit
N.... EuHQ 10 Mbit
2.. EsHQ 10 Mbit
...:: Apply Us Now ::...
More important than *WHO* we are .NFo
is *WHAT* and *HOW* we do it...! by
01 - 7th Day (CJ Stone Meets Voodo & Serano Mix) [08:13]
02 - 7th Day (Terry Parker Mix) [08:12]
03 - 7th Day (CJ Stone Meets Voodo & Serano Edit) [03:13]
04 - 7th Day (Terry Parker Edit) [03:52]
05 - 7th Day (CJ Stone Meets Voodo & Serano Less Vocal Mix) [08:17]
06 - 7th Day (Terry Parker Instrumental Mix) [07:28]
TOTAL TRACKS: [ 06 ] TOTAL SIZE: [ 53,9 Mb] TOTAL TIME: [ 39:15 ]
EiTheLMP3 Tip:
EiTheLMP3 is now giving you some nice MP3/CDburning/AudioProcessing
tips & tricks. Follow closely our NFOs week by week and get the
full Tips Collection...
EiTheLMP3 te ofrece ahora algunos interesantes trucos y consejos de
MP3/QuemadoDeCDs/ProcesamientoDeAudio. Sigue de cerca nuestros NFOs
semana a semana y hazte con la Coleccion de Trucos completa...
#01 How to burn to CD filenames longer than 64 characters
Como quemar en CD nombres de archivo mas largos de 64 caracteres
#02 How to rip/repair a scratched CD
Como ripear/reparar un CD rayado
#03 How to get the most out of LAME MP3 Encoder
Como sacarle el maximo jugo al codificador de MP3 LAME
=======OOOOOOO EiTheLMP3 Tip #03: OOOOOOO=======
LAME is widely known as being the very best MP3 Encoder an also one
of the fastest. But getting the most out of it is not a simple "click
'n'go" operation. LAME, as most encoders do, starts rolling off high
frequencies at about 17KHz (although it is commonly assumed that a
*young* human being can hear up to about 20KHz). LAME is highly
customizable through command line switches. A *well-encoded* MP3 at
192kbps is virtually identical to the original. These are the
*optimum* settings in order to get the highest MP3 quality:
-b 192 -m s -h --lowpass 20 --lowpass-width 0.05 --nspsytune -Z
--athtype 3
"-b 192" bitrate is 192kbps CBR (scene rules insist in using CBR
instead of VBR, although VBR *is* better).
"-m s" Full Stereo (scene rules again). Do *not* use Joint Stereo.
"-h" high quality mode (-q2). A bit slower, better quality.
"--lowpass 20" encodes high frequencies up to 20KHz.
"--lowpass-width 0.05" cuts high frequencies higher than 21KHz.
"--nspsytune" uses an advanced pshychoacoustic model.
"-Z" avoids noise in lower framesizes.
"--athtype 3" is a better ATH type (related to low volume sounds).
To use this command line in EAC, go to "EAC"/"Compression Options",
"External Compression" Tab. Click on "Use External Program For
Compression". On "Parameter Passing Scheme" choose "LAME MP3 Encoder".
Now Browse your HD and show EAC where LAME is located. In "Additional
Command Line Options" cut'n'paste the above line(s). In "Bitrate"
choose "192 kBit/s". Also click on "High Quality". Whether you choose
or not "Delete WAV After Compression" depends on your taste...
LAME es ampliamente conocido por ser el mejor codificador de MP3 y
tambien uno de los mas rapidos. Pero sacarle el maximo jugo no es una
sencilla operacion de "hacer click y ya esta". LAME, como la mayoria
de codificadores, comienza a recortar agudos hacia los 17KHz (a pesar
de que se supone que un ser humano *joven* puede oir hasta los 20KHz).
El comportamiento de LAME es altamente modificable mediante
conmutadores con linea de comandos. Un MP3 *bien codificado* a 192kbps
es virtualmente identico al original. Estos son los ajustes *optimos*
para obtener la mas alta calidad MP3:
-b 192 -m s -h --lowpass 20 --lowpass-width 0.05 --nspsytune -Z
--athtype 3
"-b 192" el bitrate es 192kbps CBR (las normas de la scene insisten
en usar CBR en lugar de VBR, aunque VBR *es* mejor).
"-m s" Full Stereo (otra norma de la scene). *No* uses Joint Stereo.
"-h" modo alta calidad (-q2). Un poco mas lento, mejor calidad.
"--lowpass 20" codifica agudos hasta 20KHz.
"--lowpass-width 0.05" corta agudos superiores a 21KHz.
"--nspsytune" usa un modelo psicoacoustico avanzado.
"-Z" evita el ruido en los tamanyos de frame mas pequenyos.
"--athtype 3" es un tipo de ATH mejor (relacionado con los sonidos de
muy bajo volumen).
Para usar esta linea de comandos en EAC, ve a "EAC"/"Compression
Options" y a la pestanya "External Compression". Haz click en "Use
External Program For Compression". En "Parameter Passing Scheme" elige
"LAME MP3 Encoder". Ahora haz Browse para examinar tu disco duro y
mostrarle a EAC donde se encuentra LAME. En "Additional Command Line
Options" corta y pega la linea(s) de mas arriba. En "Bitrate" elige
"192 kBit/s". Haz click tambien en "High Quality". Si eliges o no
"Delete WAV After Compression" ("Borrar WAV Despues De La Compresion")
depende de tu gusto personal...
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
WebPage: (maybe)
Archive's content:
filename | size, bytes |
00-mr_phillips-7thday_(2002remixes)-promo-cdm-2002-eithelmp3.nfo | 16 232 |
00-mr_phillips-7thday_(2002remixes)-promo-cdm-2002-eithelmp3.sfv | 423 |
00-mr_phillips-7thday_(2002remixes)-promo-cdm-2002-eithelmp3.m3u | 321 |
01-7th_day_(cj_stone_meets_voodo_and_serano_mix)-etlmp3.mp3 | 11 833 056 |
02-7th_day_(terry_parker_mix)-etlmp3.mp3 | 11 809 772 |
03-7th_day_(cj_stone_meets_voodo_and_serano_edit)-etlmp3.mp3 | 4 655 862 |
04-7th_day_(terry_parker_edit)-etlmp3.mp3 | 5 570 478 |
05-7th_day_(cjstonemeetsvoodoandseranolessvocalmix)-etlmp3.mp3 | 11 930 243 |
06-7th_day_(terry_parker_instrumental_mix)-etlmp3.mp3 | 10 754 090 |