
VA Uplifting Tunes 007 HOTQUT007 2024 COS

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Release Info

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Uplifting Tunes 007
Release Date: 02.04.2024 Street Year: 2024
Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo Tracks: 25
Source: (FLAC) WEB Genre: Trance
Release Size: 339,03 MB Language: English
Ripper Soft: EAC Encoding Soft: LAME
Label: HOT-Q HOTQUT007


Track: Track titles: Lenght:

01. Helena Kristiansson & Jason Gray - Andromeda 06:12
(Extended Mix)
02. Nico Cranxx & Chris Rane - Catching The Stars 08:02
(Extended Mix)
03. Jon Fayer - Runaway (Extended Mix) 05:24
04. Pierre Pienaar & Rob Dalby - Rise Above 07:48
(Extended Mix)
05. Liquid Dream - Waiting Her Smile 07:43
(Extended Mix)
06. Darren Porter - Reason To Rise 08:14
(Vinny DeGeorge Extended Remix)
07. Seemon & Hussam Ibrahim - Break The Alarm 03:34
(Extended Mix)
08. Flatlex - Summer Fog (Original Mix) 07:07
09. Catchfire - Lucy's Song (Original Mix) 06:39
10. Aurora-bird (CHN) - Wonderland (Intro Mix) 05:06
11. Niera - Passengers (Extended Mix) 07:48
12. Dima Krasnik & Vol Deeman - Escape From The 06:35
Earth (STNX Extended Remix)
13. ISTAR Project - Patagonia (Original Mix) 04:35
14. Nurkesh - Imperfection (Original Mix) 05:53
15. Anton Pallmer - Get Away From You 03:25
(Original Mix)
16. Ilyin & Ozo Effy - Contemplation 06:13
(Extended Mix)
17. Shaun Williams - Levitate (Extended Mix) 06:24
18. SimpKo - Blushed (Original Mix) 03:02
19. Stardance - Fires Of The Universe 07:00
(Original Mix)
20. Aurosonic & Kate Louise Smith - Careless 07:46
21. Alex Quiet - Sonar (Original Mix) 02:51
22. Etasonic vs Andre H - Technology 03:41
(Original Mix)
23. Jus_Hak - Animals (Extended Mix) 05:41
24. Heaven & Alone - Cosmic Journey (Original Mix)03:36
25. M@GGiC & TR4DIM - Dream (Original Mix) 07:38

About Release

Tracks and remixes from Jon Fayer, Liquid Dream, Vinny
DeGeorge, Flatlex, Catchfire, Aurora-bird (CHN), Niera, STNX,
Istar Project, Nurkesh, Anton Pallmer, Shaun Williams,
Stardance, Aurosonic & Kate Louise Smith, Jus_Hak, Heaven &
Alone, Helena Kristiansson & Jason Gray, Nico Cranxx & Chris
Rane, Pierre Pienaar & Rob Dalby, Darren Porter, Seemon &
Hussam Ibrahim, Dima Krasnik & Vol Deeman, ILYIN & Ozo Effy,
SimpKo, Alex Quiet, Etasonic vs Andre H, M@GGiC, TR4DIM.


You know where to find the Crazy Old Scenesters.

E-Mail: none
IRC: none

We are currently looking for:

* 100mbit+ affil sites (linux/unix ONLY!)
* Promo/Vinyl/CD/WEB Suppliers
* Legit Shell Suppliers


Keep our releases away from p2p and other lame shit.
We don't never support them. So fuck off!


maybe you? :)

If you like this product, BUY IT! Artists deserve your support.

NFO by: Eboy^SAC
Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS

Archive's content:

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01-helena_kristiansson_and_jason_gray-andromeda_(extended_mix).mp314 817 833
02-nico_cranxx_and_chris_rane-catching_the_stars_(extended_mix).mp319 206 405
03-jon_fayer-runaway_(extended_mix).mp312 898 316
04-pierre_pienaar_and_rob_dalby-rise_above_(extended_mix).mp318 650 479
05-liquid_dream-waiting_her_smile_(extended_mix).mp318 443 629
06-darren_porter-reason_to_rise_(vinny_degeorge_extended_remix).mp319 698 565
07-seemon_and_hussam_ibrahim-break_the_alarm_(extended_mix).mp38 486 756
08-flatlex-summer_fog_(original_mix).mp317 025 662
09-catchfire-lucys_song_(original_mix).mp315 881 499
10-aurora-bird_(chn)-wonderland_(intro_mix).mp312 174 201
11-niera-passengers_(extended_mix).mp318 650 479
12-dima_krasnik_and_vol_deeman-escape_from_the_earth_(stnx_extended_remix).mp315 727 950
13-istar_project-patagonia_(original_mix).mp310 956 895
14-nurkesh-imperfection_(original_mix).mp314 042 479
15-anton_pallmer-get_away_from_you_(original_mix).mp38 146 160
16-ilyin_and_ozo_effy-contemplation_(extended_mix).mp314 841 826
17-shaun_williams-levitate_(extended_mix).mp315 310 985
18-simpko-blushed_(original_mix).mp37 206 756
19-stardance-fires_of_the_universe_(original_mix).mp316 728 955
20-aurosonic_and_kate_louise_smith-careless_(extended).mp318 597 189
21-alex_quiet-sonar_(original_mix).mp36 774 169
22-etasonic_vs_andre_h-technology_(original_mix).mp38 760 520
23-jus_hak-animals_(extended_mix).mp313 583 769
24-heaven_and_alone-cosmic_journey_(original_mix).mp38 578 707
25-matggic_and_tr4dim-dream_(original_mix).mp318 248 193