
Tara Putra Surrealistic Mellow FLAC 2023 SSR

1st track preview 📣

Tara Putra - Surrealistic Mellow

Genre : Ambient
Date : 11.15.2023
Year : 2023
Quality : 754kbps
44.1kHz / Stereo
44100 Hz
Songs : 10
Playtime : 64:57
Label : Self-released
Size : 358.43 MB
Streetdate : 11.19.2023
Ripper : 4ciD
Format : FLAC
Type : Album
Source : WEB
Catalognr : N/A
Buy Here : https://taraputra.bandcamp.com/

Release Notes

Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the enigmatic
soundscapes of "Surrealistic Mellow", an ethereal album by Tara
Putra. Inspired by the realms of psybient, psydub and downtempo,
Tara Putra invites the listener into a sonic world that
transcends the boundaries of consciousness. With an innate
sensitivity and a deep connection to psychedelic atmospheres,
this production weaves a tapestry of otherworldly sounds that
transport the mind into unknown dimensions.

"Surrealistic Mellow" is a harmonious blend of gentle and
danceable compositions that strike a balance between
introspection and celebration. The album's ten tracks offer a
diverse range of tunings, from ambient grooves to pulsating
rhythms, all infused with a touch of surrealism. The album cover,
masterfully designed by Espepelen Artwork, perfectly complements
the psychedelic and mystical nature of the music.
released November 15, 2023

Written & Produced by Marcus Straczkowski
Cover & Logo by Espepelen


01. Galaxia Oscura [06:27]
02. Chipped'n Dazed [06:29]
03. Still Falling or Already Floating [08:50]
04. Goa Cheese Sandwich [07:14]
05. Maud Rise Marauders [02:34]
06. Operation 4u63 [05:54]
07. 2224 Deep Dub Place [07:31]
08. Bionic Bhang Dub [05:57]
09. Surrealistic Mellow [07:05]
10. Universe Calling [06:56]

64:57 min
358.43 MB

Group Notes

We are a closed group where we always support
artists and never piracy, our releases are just
to show the artists work to the collectors of
our private group, so please support the
artists and records by purchasing their music.
Release made by team SSR

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Archive's content:

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