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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
:... |___________________|\ . ....:
artist > Mora
title > Gateway
year > 2022
genre > Psychedelic
mood > Psychedelic
label > Universal Tribe Records
catno > UTR054
predate > 2022-03-18
tracks > 6
size > 88.18 mb
url >
buy >
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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB
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...:.. . ...:...
01. Mora - Depth of Field 6:54
02. Mora - Kaleidoscopic 7:21
03. Mora - Quartz 5:11
04. Mora - Harmanic Return 7:14
05. Mora - Dilated Daydream 7:09
06. Mora - Wire 4:32
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The debut release of MORA explores the darker side of melodies fused
with uplifting grooves. Silky melodic progressions with hypnotic
ambiance and deep, encapsulating bass lines introduce the latest
talent to have teamed up with Universal Tribe Records.
Art: Mora
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last nfo update 2O211211
Archive's content:
filename | size, bytes |
00-mora--gateway-(utr054)-web-2022-babas.nfo | 7 173 |
00-mora--gateway-(utr054)-web-2022-babas.sfv | 266 |
00-mora--gateway-(utr054)-web-2022-babas.jpg | 125 831 |
00-mora--gateway-(utr054)-web-2022-babas.m3u | 206 |
01-mora--depth_of_field-3b03552d.mp3 | 16 742 773 |
02-mora--kaleidoscopic-a7ad481c.mp3 | 17 694 047 |
03-mora--quartz-7cc2f089.mp3 | 12 484 191 |
04-mora--harmanic_return-5f4606b9.mp3 | 17 406 417 |
05-mora--dilated_daydream-228ea76f.mp3 | 17 200 368 |
06-mora--wire-8d7e4b6d.mp3 | 10 930 963 |